About the Author

Michael J. Reagan is an Anthropologist. And as a US government employee he worked as an Archaeologist, an Anthropologist and as a cross-cultural specialist for humanitarian and civil strife disaster telecommunications issues in international disaster responses for the United States Department of Agriculture, the Department of State, the World Bank, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the United State Agency for International Development. He has published papers and reports including several technical publications on telecommunications and anthropology.

One of his jobs after high school was as a clerk in an electronics store selling ham radio equipment. His interest in radio communications began more than 50 years ago. He was licensed as an amateur radio operator (a "ham" radio operator) in 1954 with the FCC issued call sign KN2UBT.

Reagan was drafted into the Army in 1966 and his Ham radio skills placed him in a communications job in Viet Nam. He was assigned to the 125TH Signal Battalion 25TH Infantry Division and became the principal techie and operator for the Division MARS (Military Affiliated Radio System) station AB8AJ.

Over the years, the radio hobby has had a central place in his life.

His first book, "The Alienation of Akram Masud ... an American Jihadist," draws on insights and experiences gained as a member of a multi-agency government team assembled by the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary to marshal the U.S. government’s medical response to the 2001 anthrax terrorist attacks. He was also a member of the Iraq War Planning Team in 2003 at US Agency for International Development. USAID was responsible for the humanitarian and human rights issues of the civilian population in the Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003). Now retired from a career as a telecommunication manager in the federal service, he currently resides in Roseburg, Oregon.

1 comment:

mlruth said...

Mike, Good luck! You've written a very timely story. I admire your tenacity & determination in finishing your first novel and that you're raring to go on a new one.
Gambatte! M-L